Mission Community Foundation Launches New Website

We hope that you enjoy our new website and all it offers.  With technology constantly changing it was time to update our website.  We have enabled some online applications in some areas and are working towards having all of our forms online in the future.  The website will have newsworthy stories and details on upcoming events as well as a link to our Facebook page.  And we are super excited about the funding details that are now available on the web; you can search funds by name or type of fund as well as make online donations at the click of a button.

Every month we hope to post a story about a fund to tell you how and why it was started and hope that these stories will inspire you to help others too.  We will start off with funds that are currently undercapitalized and not available for distribution because their minimum threshold has not yet been achieved.  These start-up funds need your help and we hope that the words written will encourage you to help them achieve fruition.

We also hope to post stories on how assistance from the Foundation has helped individuals and organizations over the years, however, to accomplish this, we need to hear from you.  If you’d like to share your follow-up story with the Foundation and the world, please contact our office manager and she’ll work with you to publish your story.